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出处:宣蛰人医学网   发布日期:2007/7/3 15:22:08   浏览次数:3414
Patients’ Guide to Treatment of  Pain
1、 头痛(枕部痛、头顶痛、偏头痛、太阳穴痛、前额痛、眉间痛、枕颈痛、全头痛);
2、 眼眶痛或眼球痛;
3、 无因可查的或拔牙无效的牙根痛;
4、 咽喉干痛和吞咽障碍、咽喉异物感;
5、 面颊痛或三叉神经痛;
6、 美尼尔氏综合症;
7、 胸震荡后遗症;
8、 颈肩肌筋膜炎或颈肩纤维织炎;
9、 颈型颈椎病;
1、 对上述各类病变特别是严重的顽固性病例,经多种非手术疗法医治无效者;
2、 髋关节骨关节病引起的腰腿痛;
3、 成人股骨头缺血性坏死包括股骨头骨折愈合后好发的股骨头缺血性坏死等引起的腰腿痛。
4、 人工股骨头或人工髋关节置换术治疗无效的腰腿痛;
5、 各类髋部骨性手术治疗无效的腰腿痛;
6、 腰椎滑脱症引起的腰腿痛;
7、 跟骨骨折畸形愈合后遗的足踝痛;
8、 痉挛性平蹠足痛;
9、 阵挛性斜颈;
Ⅰ. Patients’ Guide to Treatment of  Pain
   Pain in the head, neck, back, shoulder, upper limb, waist, sacrum, buttock and lower limb is one of the most common diseases in the world today . The Harvard University School of Public Health estimates that many as seventy million people in the U.S. suffer from the illness each year . It costs almost seven billion dollars for the treatment and loss of work. In China , some surveys show that “almost one in a family five suffers from lumbago”. Therefore , it is a conservative estimation that not less than one hundred million people suffer from lumbago in China.
The proportion of sufferers of pain in those regions is large and the harmful effects of the disease is great . Those who suffer mildly complain of acute and unbearable pain and those who suffer heavily eventually lose their ability to work and perform daily functions . No wonder it is listed as an important research project as cancer and coronary heart disease in the world today . At present ,much research work is being undertaken in the field in the United States, USSR, Japan , France and Federal Republic of Germany .
For almost a quarter of a Century , Dr . Xuan Zheren ,Chairman of All China Society of Research on Pain of Soft-Tissues , Prof . of the Orthopedic Surgical Department and Chief of Research Section of Soft-Tissues Surgery of Shanghai Jing-an District Central Hospital, has accumulated large amounts of clinical materials and made intensive studies on this problem .He puts forward that pain in the head, neck ,back , shoulder, upper limb, waist, sacrum , buttock and  lower limb of the human body is induced primarily by the lesions in the soft tissues .The so-called soft tissue comprises fascia, skeletal muscles, ligaments, bursa, periosteum and adipose connective tissues . They are the integral and vital part of human activities, not only because soft tissues occupy most part of surface areas——from head to foot——of our body , but because there are soft tissues in every part and layer of our body . They occupy the largest percentage in the human body——from head to foot , except skeleton, visceral organs and cardio-vascular system . Furthermore , there are more intimate and more complex relations between other organs in the human body . After a quarter of a century of clinical practice and intensive observations and research , Prof . Xuan Zheren has found that once sickness is involved in the soft tissue it may not only induce pain but may also complicate headache , dizziness , oppressive feeling of the chest and chest pain, intestinal distension, diarrhea, incontinence of urination and defacation or dysmenorrhea , etc. that is , about some fifty kinds of symptoms as diseases of internal medicine , neurological, surgical abdominal, urological, gynecological as well as symptoms from oculo-oto-naso-laryngological disorders . Prof . Xuan Zheren points out that aseptic inflammatory process of either intra or extra vertebral canal lesion are the main factors which induce pain of the head , neck , back , shoulder , upper limb , waist , sacrum , buttock  and  lower limb , and other complications as well . He has established the unique method of Xuan’s treatments to cure such diseases .
In modern medical science ,organs of the human body are specialized as specialities and studied each of them separately . Aiming at the symptoms induced by lesions of the soft-tissue system as his research topic , Prof. Xuan has established his new theory of soft-tissue surgery by application of soft-tissue dissolution in either surgical or non-surgical way ,thus filling a blank in medical science and making a great contribution in the conquest of pain of mankind .
Now ,China has made separate and systematic conclusions in the treatment and preventive measures of the pain of the head , neck , back , shoulder , upper limb , waist , sacrum , buttock  and  lower limb by applications of both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western medicine in relatively complete and effective ways . Amongst these , one must emphasize that Prof. Xuan Zheren , in accordance with the tenderness point discovered from the soft-tissue operations he has performed, has established his theory of soft-tissue surgery after twenty-five years of clinical practice . With the combination of the theory of “taking aim at pain” of the traditional Chinese medicine as a therapeutic measure by the application of naprapathy as a strong stimulation on the tenderness point and puncture on the tenderness point by using silver acupuncture needles , one would get more effective and safe results . During the last four years , Prof. Xuan Zheren has treated over the thousand cases of pain in the head , neck , back , shoulder , upper limb , waist , sacrum , buttock  and lower limb, with satisfactory results as high as 90% of the cases . Most of them were  cured in just after one treatment .
As to which of these patients are indicated to the above——mentioned therapy and which of those indicated to surgical intervention ? Please read the following brief account:
Ⅰ. The indication of strong stimulation naprapathy on the tenderness point or puncture by silver needle acupuncture therapy :
1.  Headache (occipital headache ,vertex pain , migraine , temporal headache , frontal headache , pain of glabella ,occipital-cervical pain and pain of the entire head );
2.       Orbital pain or ocular bulb pain ;
3.  Phantom odontalgia or pain of unknown origin ;
4.  Laryngo-pharynagalgia and dysphagia , sensations of foreign bodies in pharynx and larynx ;
5.  Trigeminal neuralgia and geniculate neuralgia ;
6.       Meniere’s Syndrome ;
7.  Sequela after concussion of brain ;
8.  Myofascitis of neck and shoulder girdle or fibrositis of the neck and shoulder girdle ;
9.       Cervical type of cervical spine syndrome ;
10 .Vertebral arterial type of cervical spine syndrome;
11. Neural root type of cervical spine syndrome ;
12.   Sympathetic nerve type of cervical spine syndrome ;
13. Back pain ,anterior chest wall pain or pseudo-coronary heart disease ;
14. Pain of the chest wall or inter-costal neuralgia ;
15.   Fibrositis of the shoulder or frozen shoulder ;
16. Pain of the acromion of the scapula ;
17. Brachial Neuralgia ;
18. Epicondylitis lateralis and medialis of humerus ;
19. Pain of the wrist or carpal tunnel syndrome ;
20. Pain of dorsum manus , pain of the palm or pain of the phalanx ;
21.   Pain from the dislocation of articular processes articulations and impaction of the synovial membrane of the cervical , thoracic and lumbar vertebra ;
22. Pain induced by impaction of synovial membrane of the articular processes articulation of cervical , thoracic or lumbar spine ;
23. Hypertrophic spondylitis ;
24.   Waist sore , lumbo-sacrum pain , lumbo-gluteal pain , sacro-coccygeal pain or coccygeal pain ;
25. Lumbo-abdominal pain or severe abdominal pain with negative findings in exploratory laporatomy ;
26. Fasciitis or fibrositis of the gluteal muscles ;
27.   Syndrome of nn.clunium superiores ;
28. Piriform muscle syndrome ;
29. Pain of the lower abdomen , pain of the inguinal region or pain of the proximal end of the thigh ;
30. Pain of the external genitalia (Pain of clitoris , pain of the vulva , pain in the urethral orifice ,  pain in the vagina or pain during coitus in female ; pain in the vagina or pain during coitus in female ;pain of the scrotum , pain of the root of penis or glans penis ;
31. Frequency and urgency in urination in male and female or incontinence during exertions ;
32. Dysmenorrhea ;
33. Pain of separation of os pubis complicated after childbirth ;
34. Classic ischialgia ;
35. Unsuccessful or recurred cases after disc resection of lumbar iner-vertebral disc protrusion or after decompress operation of the lumbar vertebral canal ;
36. Pain in the medical , lateral or anterior part of the knee ;
37. Pain in the popliteal fossa ;
38. Pain of the knee after meniscectomy ;
39. Chondromalacia of patella (or condyle of femur ) ;
40. Pain in the posterior part of leg or pain of the Achilles tendon ;
41. Pain of the medial , lateral or anterior part of the ankle ;
42. Pain of the os calcis or pain of the spur of os calcis ;
43. Pain of the anterior part of the foot or pain of the toe ;
44. Pain caused by congenital malformation of the skeleton ;
45. Pain cause by climacteric syndrome ;
46. Radicular neuritis .
Ⅱ. Indications to patients which are suitable for surgical dissolution of the soft-tissues :
1. Those stubborn cases which fail to various nonsurgical treatments ;
2. Pain of lumbodynia induced by osteoarthropathy of the hip joint ;
3. Aseptic necrosis of the head of femur in adults including lumbodynia induced after healed fracture of femur neck complicates aseptic necrosis of femoral head ;
4. Lumbodynia caused by unsuccessful cases after artificial femoral head or artificial hip joint replacement ;
5. Lumbodynia by unsuccessful cases after various bone surgery of the hip ;
6. Lumbodynia induced by spondylolisthesis ;
7. Pain of the ankle and foot after mal-union of the fracture of the os calcis ;
8. Pain of pes planus spastica ;
9. Spastic torticolis ;
10. Unsuccessful cause of hysteric paralysis after suggestion-therapy .
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